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Economic crises may trigger rise in crime

According to a United Nations study on the 2008-2009 recession, we may see a rise in crime due to the financial impact of the Corona Virus.

Economic crises may trigger rise in crime

3 February 2012 - Crime may peak during economic crises, according to the UNODC report Monitoring the Impact of Economic Crisis on Crime. During periods of economic stress, the incidence of robbery may double, and homicide and motor vehicle theft also increase, according to the report.

Using data recorded by police in 15 countries on the incidence of robbery, homicide and car theft, the report focuses on the possible effects of economic stress, in particular during the global financial crisis of 2008-2009. In 8 of 11 countries undergoing economic upheavals, a link between economic factors and crime could be clearly established.

While a consistent relationship between specific crimes and specific economic factors could not be established, the evidence shows that crime is linked to the economic climate. Such findings are consistent with criminal motivation theory, which suggests that economic stress causes an increase in criminal behavior. The available data do not, however, support the theory of criminal opportunity, which suggests that decreased levels of production and consumption may reduce some types of crime, such as property crime, by creating fewer potential crime targets.

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